Today, let’s talk about CONSUMPTION and WASTE. These fall in line with stewardship and causes us to examine what we do with what we have. The answer isn’t necessarily that we need more money or even more income, but that we better regulate the use of what we already have.
Author's Media Kit
Includes: the author's biography, book synopsis, press release, author inspiration and contact information.
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Today, let’s talk about CONSUMPTION and WASTE. These fall in line with stewardship and causes us to examine what we do with what we have. The answer isn’t necessarily that we need more money or even more income, but that we better regulate the use of what we already have.
We can borrow a lot from times not so far in the distant past to help us overcome what is before us. Times are not what they used to be and there is no use shutting our minds to the fact that times-a-changing.
The blog post this week is directed toward the consumers, yes, the customers. We have a tendency to be very hard on the merchants in our community. We place more stringent rules and guidelines for patronage on our local merchants than on the larger stores and mall merchants we often frequent.
This blog post again references the need for the support of local businesses, expansion and job creation within our communities. Tell me, what’s the incentive for our young people entering the work force to remain a part of the village? What do they have to invest in? What is there for them to build upon? Are we actually supporting a premise for them to desire to leave and never look back?
This week, my daughter, Deneen G. Matthews, Editor-in-chief of DeeClare Publishing, LLC is providing our blog post. She will introduce the concept creative entrepreneurship opportunities through publishing.
In support of the Elder’s Ledger, the village and it’s stated priorities of God, Family and Community, I would like to steer your attention to creative ways to enter into entrepreneurship.