In this segment of the Elder’s Ledger, I thought I’d speak a bit about the origins and grass roots of our publishing company, DeeClare Publishing, LLC. I am the Co-founder and my daughter, Deneen Matthews is the Editor-in-chief.
We've all heard the phrase, "It Takes a Village to Raise a Child!" Who is the village? The village is me, the village is you, each of us as integral pieces that make up the whole, regardless, of race, personal accomplishments or socio-economic status.
"Train up a child in the way that he should go: and when he is old, he shall not depart from it." ~ Proverbs 22:6
Author's Media Kit
Includes: the author's biography, book synopsis, press release, author inspiration and contact information.
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This blog post again references the need for the support of local businesses, expansion and job creation within our communities. Tell me, what’s the incentive for our young people entering the work force to remain a part of the village? What do they have to invest in? What is there for them to build upon? Are we actually supporting a premise for them to desire to leave and never look back?
A few weeks ago, I attended a meeting where I engaged in a discussion with one of the gentleman who attended. The topic of our discussion was in reference to black people and going into business.
By definition, survival is the state or fact of continuing to live or exist, typically in spite of an accident, ordeal, or difficult circumstances. The ways and means by which we live are relevant to every member of our society, community, or family to include adults and children alike.
I was born in the midst of the Great Depression of the 1930s and raised by God-fearing parents who upheld a standard of morality and passed down a good work ethic. During those years, times were very tough; and families came together in order to respond to the challenges of that era...
Keeping in step with the stated theme of "It Takes a Village to Raise a Child," and the appropriated action to "Reclaim the Village," I believe we must look at the inner workings of the village and take proper action, yes, the necessary steps to arrive at our desired outcome.
The village community is about the people, but we the people must commit to becoming productive participants within our village.
We can borrow a lot from times not so far in the distant past to help us overcome what is before us. Times are not what they used to be and there is no use shutting our minds to the fact that times-a-changing.