As Editor-in-chief it is my distinct pleasure to uphold our mission and maintain our standard of excellence and integrity.
Our mission is to publish literary works that reinforce the foundation and priorities of GOD, FAMILY and COMMUNITY. Through all creative avenues of written expression, we aim to touch individual lives that shape families, reclaim our communities, and impact nations.
Thank you all for your contributions and support around our vision.
Deneen G. Matthews
Author's Media Kit
Includes: the author's biography, book synopsis, press release, author inspiration and contact information.
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The Foundational Fundamentals that undergird all of these efforts are God, family and community. We realized that we attempted to provide information to build up a community, but without the fundamentals, maybe we pulled the cart before the horse, so to speak.
By definition, survival is the state or fact of continuing to live or exist, typically in spite of an accident, ordeal, or difficult circumstances. The ways and means by which we live are relevant to every member of our society, community, or family to include adults and children alike.
I was born in the midst of the Great Depression of the 1930s and raised by God-fearing parents who upheld a standard of morality and passed down a good work ethic. During those years, times were very tough; and families came together in order to respond to the challenges of that era...
We have all heard the catch phrase, "Each One Teach One."
This phrase originated in the United States during slavery, when Africans were denied education, including learning to read. Many, if not most slaves were kept in a state of ignorance about anything beyond their immediate circumstances which were under control of owners, the law makers and the authorities. When a slave learned or was taught to read, it became his duty to teach someone else, spawning the phrase "Each one teach one."
We can borrow a lot from times not so far in the distant past to help us overcome what is before us. Times are not what they used to be and there is no use shutting our minds to the fact that times-a-changing.
This week, I would like to further expound on this principle. I pose this question for all to ponder, “Just what if…”
What if we stretch, expand our thinking around collaboration among churches, organizations and non-profits. What if they came together, joined forces so to speak?” What if we could then improve our purchasing power?