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deeClare Publishing, LLC is the combined vision of father and daughter, Deneen and Clarence Matthews; hence the name deeClare. deeClare Publishing, LLC is a NEW BRAND of publishing. We are publishing done with the SUCCESS OF THE WRITER in mind. We encourage authors to use their written work as their product line and initial investment in their own entrepreneurial vision, while we provide the services needed to birth their literary vision. If entrepreneurship is not for you, we will gladly publish your work under our label, while you retain rights and full ownership. 

Our Mission

To publish literary works that reinforce the foundation and priorities of God, family and community. Through all creative avenues of written expression, we aim to touch individual lives that shape families, reclaim our communities, and impact nations.

Our Theme

At deeClare Publishing, LLC, we publish works that support our theme of "the village." Our village — comprised of individuals who make up families and collectively populate our communities. We believe that, “It still takes a village to raise a child,” and the reinsertion of the priorities of God, family and community are crucial in reclaiming our villages.

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Last modified on Tuesday, 13 August 2013 20:15
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  • Foundational Fundamentals

    pexels photo 762679The Foundational Fundamentals that undergird all of these efforts are God, family and community. We realized that we attempted to provide information to build up a community, but without the fundamentals, maybe we pulled the cart before the horse, so to speak.

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  • Consumption & Waste

    pexels photo 802221Today, let’s talk about CONSUMPTION and WASTE. These fall in line with stewardship and causes us to examine what we do with what we have. The answer isn’t necessarily that we need more money or even more income, but that we better regulate the use of what we already have.

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  • Ode to the Community Consumer

    local 2974159 1280The blog post this week is directed toward the consumers,  yes, the customers. We have a tendency to be very hard on the merchants in our community. We place more stringent rules and guidelines for patronage on our local merchants than on the larger stores and mall merchants we often frequent.

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  • Group Economics: Just What If?

    computer 3224642 1280This week, I would like to further expound on this principle. I pose this question for all to ponder, “Just what if…” 

    What if we stretch, expand our thinking around collaboration among churches, organizations and non-profits. What if they came together, joined forces so to speak?” What if we could then improve our purchasing power?

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  • The Practice of Group Economics

    pexels photo 331990What is Group Economics? Group Economics defined, is creating and exchanging resources (e.g., currency, talents, gifts, skills, goods and services) that a group deems valuable amongst another. It is time for the black community to pool our resources in order to produce community wealth. 

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